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2nd place, hard to beat apple pie🤷‍♂️

Need any more proof?

If the PRC is against something, there is a good chance that you should look into it if you love freedom.

Daniel boosted Thinking of you in all of this. I'm sorry for your loss and that you had to go through the trauma that is the "hospital experience". It is good to know that God is sovereign and with us always, especially in times such as these.

@xyzzy Just seeing this thread. Awesome. Thanks for a trip down memory lane!

Finally got around to messing with cryptocurrencies this week, despite reading the Bitcoin white paper not long after it was published. Here's my 2 cents. This is a pretty revolutionary and cool technology despite its cult-like following and I think it has staying power. The mining process uses a lot of power which some consider waste. What I consider most interesting is that a government's reaction to crytocurrency seems to be good gauge of a given society's freedom. I recommend trying it out.

Daniel boosted
I don't like conatiners but I should probably learn them before I diss them any more.
If only there was a book or something that just had everything.

> /me searches up "openshift service mesh ceph containerd coreos" keyword spam

oh my god:

> 1700 pages: holy crap it's basically the Red Hat Bible.
> kindle-only (i.e. DRM)
> 2019 (already outdated im guessing)

and we haven't even hit kubevirt+ovirt yet (hello VMs, everything old is new again), which is probably another 1700 pages of its own.
yeah im sticking to bare metal, no containers/vms if I can help it. It's like learning webdev in $CURRENT_YEAR.

I feel like the challenge isn't learning everything, it's deciding what *not* to learn.

@beerrs @Patriot_CO I would go out on a limb and suggest that because conservatives are more often Christian, they err on the side of grace, understanding that the tenet of neighborly love trumps a person’s beliefs and worldview. Even though we are broken and wrong in the head, God loves us and provided a path back to Him and regeneration.

Daniel boosted

Sooooo, I got a puppy...
I've waited 16 years after my last dog passed away. I named her Sally Jane after my best friend who died when I was 8 years old. She is a chihuahua rat terrier mix. Tiny little girl! I love her so much already!

Taco Bell 

@cjd "Just imagine, you could pass down this Shake-A-Weight to your great grandson."

@cjd It's weird, but I think it's best to wait for a technology/gadget to mature through market iterations before making it long lasting. Those principles are good, but it's hard to figure out how much better things could be if they're good enough and still work. Guns are a pretty good example of what you're talking about too.

Crispix is better than Chex. A bowl is like a time machine to the 80’s for me.

@corceeeee @MisterRogersSnapped I loved that book as a kid, but yes 1/3rd of it is listing sea creatures.

@kf It’s not literature, but the show Alone usually portrays this pretty accurately and season 1 in the show 10000 BC comes to mind. If any of the winners of Alone have published books, I’m sure they covered it.

I just ran across an old picture of a custom order back when my wife had a tack/leather shop.The preacher's daughter was an employee and didn't understand pop culture reference, so my wife showed her the scene and had her make it 😂!

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