@bethany @mensajero Did you find it?
@raeaw Keeping it simple is the way to go.You're right, the recipe websites are too much. Here's what we eat:
Cereals with oatmilk
Oatmeal with blueberries
Bagel with hummus
Baked Yukon Gold or sweet potatoes, 50 min at 400F
Potatoes+rice+split peas+spinach+Mrs. Dash in Instant Pot for 25 minutes, mash.
Rice+can of beans+Ro-tel+cilantro
Lots of apples
Red cabbage
Wheat berries, etc
We just chop, oil, season, and roast a lot of veggies in the oven at 400F
Get an Instant Pot
Lately in life I have been noticing a needless, ever-growing complexity of things. Things that should be simple take a lot of time, or are impossible, to understand. Reasons are given, of course, such as quality, scalability, etc. The over-complication of something is a good sign that evil is present. The Gospel of Christ was delivered to us in a way that anyone could understand and share. I think church autonomy is vital and this Docent Group stinks.
@Gina I just checked on you the other day and wondered if you had fallen off a cliff or something. Welcome back!
@Berrybunchfamily Thank you
.thank you....much appreciated..
😂 🕺 🕺 🕺
@garritfra I’m not denying climate change, but there was a series called Worlds Worst Disasters back in 2008 that was really eye opening. So many huge events with devastating loss of life and people forget about them fairly quickly. I recommend the series just to give perspective. Where is this?
He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” He said, “Write, for these words of God are faithful and true.” He said to me, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give freely to him who is thirsty from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes, I will give him these things. I will be his God, and he will be my son."
@rose_myrtle McDonalds used to give out seeds when I was little with their Happy Meals. I was growing some nice radishes and my dad accidentally killed them with the lawn mower...
@rose_myrtle Like a greenhouse? Skylights do. Roofs have to have a minimum of R-49 for insulation here. The best glass might get you R-2, so it would get very hot or cold.
“I believe distributed ledger enables the kind of central control they’ve never in their worst nightmares contemplated”
I'm more of a futurist when it comes to how I read Revelations, but I respect and understand different interpretations. Still, don't be surprised when the Beast of Revelations shows up. The powers that be will try to stamp out Christianity and they will fail. Don't give up or worry if this all unfolds in our lifetime. Jesus will be back.
I was surveying an old street this morning and checking the flow line in the curb and gutter. Up the street I noticed a pool of standing water where someone either designed or built the gutter incorrectly. At first I just shook my head at the carelessness, but then I noticed several sparrows bathing and drinking the water. To them this was a place of life. It is a great wonder and mystery how God can use our mistakes for good.
@coagain1 Truth. I've seen a few people get a little too into prepping, but by and large most people live their lives like everything is always going to be O.K. with no hiccups. Hopefully Covid19 made some people re-think that assumption. In the Toyota Production System(lean) excess inventory is seen as a waste because it has to be tracked and managed. I think this is pretty evident, because properly prepping is a lot of work. How do you draw the lines between contingency planning and excess?
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