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Daniel boosted

There are a few ways. GIMP is pretty easy.
Open your file then go to "Image > Scale Image".
Unlock the aspect ratio and change the units to %.
Make the width 200% with the height at 100%.
Interpolation set to "None".
"File > Export As"
Change your file type to "ASCII Art".
I generally like to keep these below 400x400 px, but you can mess around with it.

Daniel boosted
I do not believe this Pentagon "leaker" story.
It stinks of fabrication.

The mistake that was made in the construction of the story, was claiming this Airman pulled the information off of JWICS. Even if he had the SCI clearance required to enter and access a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Fascility), which is the only way to access JWICS, there would be a logged record of his searches associated with his ID, and a logged record of any printed documents. There is also no physical way to download documents from a SCIF to an external device, and JWICS is a closed intranet. The system is designed to prevent leaks. The claim that the New York Times supposedly found this person by matching the patterns of granite from his counter top, is at best, a fabrication. And then there is the matter of the documents themselves, and knowing where to find them. You dont just "see" documents like this in a SCIF. You have to know exactly where to look. Unless someone sends you an ICE mail telling you exactly where to look, (of which there would be a record), you would not find them. The way this whole story was presented, the behavior of the corporate media, the way the Pentagon officials talked, it reeks of a staged event. We have seen first hand how they really behave when a real leak occurs. The wild anger and rage they directed toward Snowden is an example.

I do not believe this story.

So the question becomes, why do this? Why lie? What would be the purpose?.
The answer to that is two fold. The first is an increasing sentiment within the U.S. bureacracy which sees its own constitution, and citizenry as an obsacle to its "job", which in their minds, requires more and more power. The second, related to the first, is answered by the demands they make in the wake of the event. What do they want?

Two things were expressed...
1. More power, funding, and control over the internet. It will be used to push Senate Bill 686, the Restrict Act. Or something similar, with the goal being complete control over all communication across the internet. You see, they have used the internet to destabilize and topple other countries. They are terrified of this happening to them. So now, by consequence, the 1st Amendment is a threat to their power. And since the Smith-Mundt act was gutted during the Obama administration (which Biden is a continuation of), the legal restrictions that prevented the CIA from running propaganda ops on the American public have been removed.

2. The inteviews about this "leaker" contained continual references to how he was a "God loving patriot". As the "War on Terror", which they created, winds down, and they need a new enemy to justify their massively bloated secred budgets, they want to create a new enemy. Their target it seems is the American public itself. Or more specifically, the majority of people who belive that government should be restrained, answerable, and transparent. To accomplish this, they intend to create a stereotype, and then use their corporate media partners to insist that this created stereotype is first real, second a minority, and third, a grave threat to "America".

I believe that there is a war going on inside all federal agencies right now. I think that if this Airman is not a prop, he was likely a part of an entrapment event, which are being run by the FBI and DOJ, who are searching all federal agencies for people who are willing to speak out in defense of the Constitution, when the see that the Government is breaking the law. They are trying to drive all of them out, leaving only those who show absolutely loyalty to Agency, and State, above Constitutional law.

What I suspect all of this is, is the out of control emergence of the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address... the jugernaut, which if not stopped, would eventually threaten the People themselves, the liberty of everyone, and the nation itself.
Daniel boosted
"Everything I want to do is illegal"
War stories from the local food front by Joel Salatin

@acnewberry Though not quite the same, Brexit was kind of a peaceful divorce. I would rather we not have one, but if we must, it's better that it be peaceful. What do you do when a large percentage of the population abandons the values our country was founded on?

Looks like I actually might get the Librem 5 I ordered in has shipped!

Daniel boosted

@sapphichazard @dcjohnson “Texas Governor Greg Abbott said on Saturday he is seeking the pardon of an Uber driver…”
That fact is stated in the first sentence of the the article we’re discussing.

@dcjohnson That's not even close to what I took from the article. A white protester brandished an AK-47 at an on-duty Uber driver. Threatening someone with their life changes a nonviolent protest to a violent one. The Uber driver shot and killed the protester. Nothing wrong with bringing a firearm to a protest, but you had better be trained in its handling. Brandishing it for any reason other than defense of life is illegal and risky. Unless the protester was trapped in a narrow alley with the vehicle, it’s hard to see his actions as appropriate. I took away that the governor believes that self defense is important and shouldn’t be punished. Is there any evidence that the driver was on some vendetta against the protesters?

One lesson that I think future generations will take away from our time is the danger of complexity. All of our systems, and even our schedules, are too complex. Complexity leads to vulnerabilities, blind spots, and it benefits evil. Con-artists will over-complicate a scenario to fool people. Jesus said, "let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No.’ Whatever is more than these is of the evil one." Covid19 was a pretty mild disruption and look at what it did to the supply chain. No one is concerned about all this complexity and it will cost millions of lives WHEN the system hangs. Simplify your lives, focus on your needs and how you will see to them while things are convenient. Modern society is such a blessing, but it is quite fragile. God gave Joseph a warning and 7 good years to prepare for the famine of his time. Do you think we have that much time before something big breaks?

@atyh Still mentally prepped for Epstein didn't kill himself.

Daniel boosted

I don't know about posts, but LEGISLATION should have a character limit.

@rbreich Nothing wrong with free trips, I just doubt any actuality are.

Heidi’s latest catch phrase:
“Don’t worry, be Heidi.”

@acnewberry As much we would like to believe that we can absolutely shape and mold our children, it really is wishful thinking. The best we can do is try to be healthy ourselves and most importantly PRAY for them in this fallen world. Glad this person was stopped and hope they turn things around.

@SarahAnneDipity @jamesp Curious to know how it goes and wish you luck. Cinnamon on Linux Mint is IMO the easiest out of the box distro for most people.

I think I'm going to make a collection of bedtime stories for Heidi with ChatGPT.

Daniel boosted

Holy moly!! Lightning caught mid-strike as it hits a tree. ⚡ 🌳 😲

I hope the photographer was using an extremely long-range telephoto lens, as lightning will travel along root systems, which can extend some distance away depending upon the type of tree.

Vertical photograph; click to see the full strike and whole tree (or what's left of it).

Photographer — Debbie Parker of West Virginia.

#Photography #Tree #LightningStrike #AmazingNature

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