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@MaryMamuzich I believe your prayers are working because Heidi has been more sociable and done several new things today! She has surgery scheduled for Friday for tubes in her ears and the doctors think it could improve her clarity of hearing. Poor thing has to get ANOTHER covid test beforehand. Please pray for a smooth operation and for her confusion and difficulty in communication to be made straight and easier. Love you folks and thank you!

@MaryMamuzich That is the thing about this kind of "disorder" and pretty much most others, it is impossible to know the difference between what God intends and sickness. Exodus 4:11 or 15:26? Please pray for my wife the most because she is overwhelmed by the news and is sad because many of her dreams might not come to pass. I believe that God has/will equip little Heidi with everything she needs to do the good works He desires.

My youngest daughter was officially diagnosed with autism yesterday at 22 months old. I had my suspicions, but I'm still trying to process the ramifications.

Daniel boosted

All of these big tech companies are always looking for the next way to make a buck and improve their brand name. Might I suggest a new strategy on how to achieve that? How about you give honesty, integrity, and impartiality a try? Aim to help your customers, treat your employees like humans, and keep your opinions to yourself. Leave the policing to the government.

sunny personal data terminal 

@lo I think the Gestapo were backed by the government. The FBI has enough power now so that no one in the government will touch it. Worse in so many ways.

@dredmorbius @jfred I bought a bunch of Winbooks when they were giving them away(x86). Got linux running on one, but it wasn't pretty. Probably could have gotten it working with enough TLC.

Ok, had to make my own. Probably already exists...Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids. In fact it's cold as hell.

@be My company hired an engineering firm for several years, we got to know the folks pretty well and made good working relationships as well as friendships. We bought the company and absorbed the staff. They now share the benefits of being part of a larger company and we have found more ways to utilize their services productively. Everyone has pretty much benefited.

@MisterRogersSnapped Just wild boar that ate similarly from crops. People didn't used to have as much variety, but what they had was amazing.

Ok, just saw a guy draw a cut of meat diagram on a live pig with a marker. New Scandinavian Cooking show.

@lo Do you think he actually wanted the presidency or was coerced into it? I can't imagine anything I'd want less at that age.

"Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom." "Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom." "Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith."
-Alexis de Tocqueville

@kelbot If only they could make them more stable and reliable.

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