@matthew I haven’t used Thunderbird with PGP, but I do know that I’ve had to trust imported keys before they worked.
@CharismaticBatman Ugh, that hits too close to home.
@atyh Re-reading The Martian and Mark’s been toting all of his panels across the Martian desert so he can re-charge his rover.
kWh/Sol = Pirate-Ninja (his made up unit)
@tymektt @sinbach https://youtu.be/_8jNbZIsBQU
We’ve listened to this sooo many times because Heidi loves it.
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I decided to go with Proso millet because it has a history of doing well in my area. I ground some up this evening, tried to blow out the hulls, and made a hot cereal paste. It was in-between grits and cream of wheat and I liked it! Thinking about planting in about a month and might try some other grains.
@mhjohnson We replaced the boilers a few years back at Aurora Central HS and I scanned the boiler room and “steam” tunnels. It was built in the mid 50’s. Though asbestos was everywhere, the whole school could have fit down there. Hundreds of feet of 12’ wide, 7’ tall tunnels.
@atyh Bearable with any savings? I usually get around 28% of my youtube original audio.
ffmpeg -i 'input.aac' -c:a libopus -b:a 24000 'output.opus'
@atyh @gabriel @bonifartius I remember doing the math for lead/acid batteries. If I had a huge bank, didn't discharge but 5-10%, and performed a little maintenance, they would last almost 100 years.
@BlackAzizAnansi I think a lot of people saw what happened to Miles Dyson and the black community just didn't want to be a part of that future.
@atyh Do you use the Opus file format? It works really well for me. Voice usually sounds good at 24kb/s. Some kinds of voices even work at 6kb/s.
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @mary Go ahead and post it, @mary says I’m woefully ignorant about chickens!😂 Anything might help.
@atyh That's pretty great! I'm probably hovering somewhere in the 180-200GB...😅
At work I've been working on documenting our workflow and creating reference material. We all mostly use OneNote but it behaves in strange ways at times. I feel like at some point someone is going to break all of the links in this documentation. Smaller, simpler things like Gemini are more future proof in my mind. If only I could convince others. It's like they don't believe Murphy's Law.
@mary and I want your input. We need to do an exterior wall mock up for the new house we’re building. I don’t just want to tear it down when we’re done, but rather design it to be a permanent chicken coop. This thing will be like a concrete bunker for chickens. We’ve never owned chickens, but could imagine having up to a dozen one day. What size should we make this thing? I want to pour a height of 10’-8” on the tallest wall to test the form system, but don’t want it bigger than it needs to be.
One of the things that bugs me a bit about Gemini is the need for TLS. I don't think you can just serve up gemtext via http or ftp, you have to run a Gemini Capsule. I just used Lagrange to open local files and it worked beautifully. Tried it again via X11 forwarding on a remote server with the same results. I kinda love this.
@Totooria Hey! You got my header image!
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